Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hello Berlin!!!

So I’m here! I made it to Berlin with little to no problems. Finding my hostel was easy considering the fact that the public transportation is so easy to use. It makes it very difficult to get lost (which I SERIOUSLY need). It was also very helpful that I’ve been here before and used the public transportation before. I’m slowly getting more and more used to the metro and I’m sure that before I know it, I’ll know it like the back of my hand.

I’d like to say that the days are going by quickly but it’s only my 2nd full day here and I feel like I’ve been here a while! Maybe it’s because I’m doing so much stuff and seeing so many different things.

My first night I was lucky enough to have Keith, one of my good friends from UCSB, meet me at my hostel. Keith, my friend Josh who is also studying abroad for a year, and I walked around Berlin at night carrying around some German beers (great fact about Germany: you can carry around open containers! I couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if I was sitting with a beer in front of our nations capital. But here, it seemed natural!) . It was gorgeous! I love cities at night, and Berlin never fails to disappoint. The Brandenurger Tor is by far my favorite. There is something about it that is breathtaking.

Yesterday was more touring around with Keith. I also managed to get a cell phone, buy a month long ticket for the public transportation, and eat my first taste of German bread (so good!) We then went out with other UC EAP students. Some were from UCSB, but there were also some students from UCLA and Cal. I loved it! They took us to a bar that has Das Boot (all I could think about was that Vince would love it. I can’t wait until he gets here and I can show him!) It’s 2 liters of beer in this giant boot. 3 of the guys ordered one and managed to finish. Whoa! It was great fun, and I can’t wait to go to a club in Berlin (I heard they are off the hook!)

This weekend will be full of trying to find an apartment. Phil, my friend from Germany will be helping me. I will be trying to help my friend Josh find one as well. That is the most pressing issue, and once I find one I feel like it will be a big sigh of relief!

Notes about Germany:
• Doners is Turkish food that is so good. They have them all over Europe, but Germany by far has the best one that I’ve ever had. Had one both days I’ve been here and will probably have one tonight.
• Check this out: down the street from my hostel. Used to serve as a Nazi prison and is now like an art exhibit! I think I’m going to check it out later today.
• The street my hostel is on is known for prostitutes. They where these high heeled white, pink, or black boots and corsettes that make their boobs look huge! To me, it’s SHOCKING!
• Scarves. Scarves. Scarves. Scarves. Everywhere. All the time. Even men. I know what my next purchase will be.
• The weather. I’m already cold. I need to buy new clothes pronto!


  1. very cool breeze! i just read your posts in reverse, good job at staying on top of the blogging!!!

  2. Great Bolg.....Keep it going!!!! Us nosey people need to stay informed!!! I think you will pick #4 for the apartment!!!! Love you, Aunt Deb

  3. Breeze HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME YOUR BLOG SITE! Did you know your mother had to send me this???? Epic I have tons of catching up to do....
