Monday, August 29, 2011

And so the journey begins....

I'm leaving tomorrow. For a full year. Like one year. By the time I get back I'll be 22. I won't be around for Christmas or Thanksgiving or New Years. I'm missing my full senior year with amazing friends at the the best school in the world. I've been saying goodbye to friends over the entire summer. I usually give em a big hug and say Whelp, I'll see ya in a year! Sounds depressing eh?

Some people think I'm crazy to be giving all of this up to study abroad. Sometimes, I think I'm crazy. But I know this is what I've wanted for years now. I've been planning around it for as long as I can remember.

So that song by Bruno Mars and Eminem where it's like "Living out our dreams, We're all right where we should be." I know it's cheesy (maybe I'm a cheesy person :) but I feel like that song applies to me. This is where I would have pictured myself 3 years ago. And it's been sort of like a dream of mine to live in a different country. So I'm doing it! And I'm doing a full year of it- I am confident that it will be the best year of my life.

Goals of mine while I'm abroad:
-Learn German!! For those of you that don't know, I'm taking college level courses in German (yep, another reason I think I'm crazy)
-Travel. I think I'm good at that one (Sarah, your country record will be TORN apart :).
-See old friends from Europe, and make new European (and American!!) friends
-Play some soccer and frisbee with people from other countries.

For all of you back in the states, know I will be missing you immensely! Skype dates are a must. But also know that this is what I've wanted and I'm glad that the opportunity is finally here.

So... has it hit me that I'll be gone an entire year??? Nope. Who knows when it will... maybe Christmas. But for now, tshuss!!! Until next time. In BERLIN!!!!

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