Saturday, September 10, 2011

Waiting, waiting, waiting... and some exploring

On Monday, it was a bit rainy so we decided to go to the theaters. The theater we went to was known for having its films in the original version without subtitles. (Eventually I hope to be watching films in German and understanding most of it, but for now, I think I’m entitled to some English film watching :). Afterwards, we went to a piano/jazz bar with a couple of American girls that I had met last week. It was absolutely packed and smelled like cigarettes. We got there too late, so we missed the live music. But the drinks were cheap! So we sat around and had a few drinks. Josh and I were also lucky enough to meet a guy from Britain, Kit, who is also studying at Humboldt and starting the language preparation class with us on Friday. He’s kinda become a part of our group and has been doing almost everything with us.

On Tuesday, Josh and I had orientation for UCEAP. Here they told us about registering our apartment with the city, registering with the police, registering with Humboldt, and how to fill out all of the forms. It was very informative and we also got to meet the other people from UC schools that would be studying at Humboldt. Most were quite interesting, but all very nice. Afterwards, I decided it would be nice to have a drink or two with these people so we headed to a cheap Italian place and had beer with our dinner. We decided to meet up later, so later that night, Josh, Kit and I headed back to the Circus (the place that serves Das Boot). Josh and Kit both got one, but I just don’t think I could stomach one! It was very nice to spend some time with people I know will be taking classes at my university. We spoke some German with each other but also some English.

Today has been a lot of nothing. Went with Kit to IKEA (he got an unfurnished apartment) but nothing exceptionally interesting.

I did however find out about the apartment! It ends up I’ll be with Robert, the guy that knows a lot about soccer. Although not my first choice, and Robert will be moving out soon, it is a great location and the room is very nice. I’m going tomorrow to meet the other girl and should be moved in by Friday.

Friday starts the day of classes! I’m excited to finally be doing something besides just floating around. To have a solid place to stay along with the start of classes, I am definitely ready!!

Goal this next week: go to a club!!!!!


  1. Breezy!!!!! So happy you got an apartment (although I was rooting for the older lady who would clean your room and do your dishes). Sounds like in just a few short days you have gotten your lay of the land and are fitting right in. I thought of you the other day when I saw the movie, The Debt, because it took place in East Berlin. VERY GRIM--in the old days.

    Well, I am loving your blog and cheering you on during your adventure!
    Love you,
    Aunt Eggie

  2. So glad you found your is it looking...I hope in a future blog post I see some pics:)
